January 1939...

January 1939...

Willie Turnesa: The back story...

Willie Turnesa: The back story...

June 1939...

June 1939...

Earl Averill: The back story...

Earl Averill: The back story...

July 1939...

July 1939...

DiMaggio brothers: The back story...

DiMaggio brothers: The back story...

September 1939...

September 1939...

Tony Galento: The back story...

Tony Galento: The back story...

January 1940...

January 1940...

Bill Tilden: The back story...

Bill Tilden: The back story...

February 1940...

February 1940...

Ben Jones: The back story...

Ben Jones: The back story...

May 1940...

May 1940...

The Texas Gang: The back story...

The Texas Gang: The back story...

June 1940...

June 1940...

Al Milner: The back story...

Al Milner: The back story...

June 1940...

June 1940...

Barney McCosky: The back story...

Barney McCosky: The back story...

July 1940...

July 1940...

Lew Jenkins: The back story...

Lew Jenkins: The back story...

July 1940...

July 1940...

Red Kress: The back story...

Red Kress: The back story...

August 1940...

August 1940...

Dutch Meyer: The back story...

Dutch Meyer: The back story...

January 1941...

January 1941...

Johnny Bulla: The back story...

Johnny Bulla: The back story...

January 1941...

January 1941...

Gus Lesnevich: The back story...

Gus Lesnevich: The back story...

January 1941...

January 1941...

Golf during WWII: The back story...

Golf during WWII: The back story...

February 1941...

February 1941...

Vitamin B1: the back story...

Vitamin B1: the back story...

March 1941...

March 1941...

Man O' War: The back story...

Man O' War: The back story...

June 1941...

June 1941...

Gomez and Ruffing: The back story:

Gomez and Ruffing: The back story:

July 1941...

July 1941...

Charlie Keller: The back story...

Charlie Keller: The back story...

September 1941...

September 1941...

Mort Cooper: the back story...

Mort Cooper: the back story...

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